Showing 1 - 50 of 150 stations

Z-Rádió egy internetes rádió - Mert a rádió nekünk szól! 24 órás adás! Webrádió, internetrádió, kívánságműsor.

Xbeat The biggest party music
Genres : DanceTop 40

New webradio for smiling all day!

Ahonnan a hirek szolnak

Vindornya FM is a broadcast radio station in Vindornyaszolos, Hungary, providing a variety of music.

A magyar gazdaság és a világgazdaság friss hírei, részvényárfolyamok, tőzsdei hírek, BUX, kamat és adó információk.

Topaz Disco Radio Minimum Blah Blah - Maximum Music

This radio station commemorates the musical world of legendary Topaz Disco in the Budapest - between 77 and 80. At that time Zolika Szabó, now

TOP FM rádió – Comedy Ezek az igazi zenék!
Genres : Comedy

1996-os alapításunk óta online kommunikációs, e-business alkalmazásfejlesztési valamint Internet-szolgáltatások folyamatosan bővülő körét nyújtjuk.

Tilos Radio is a non-profit, community radio station that has been broadcasting, with difficulties sometimes, to Budapest for nearly 20 years. Started as a pirate

Techno Style Radio 100% Techno
Country: Hungary

Techno Style Radio is an internet radio station in Hungary, providing 100% Techno music.

Taska Radio Te is Belefersz!
Genres : DancePopTalk

Szent Istvan Radio 95.1 FM is a broadcast Catholic radio station from Miskolc, Hungary, providing religious programs and culture. ------ Shows: A Nap Szentje, A

Jó kis adó ez!!!

SuperDj Rádió Csak Neked Zenélünk

Spirit FM Közéleti. Szórakoztató. Spirituális.

A Spirit FM, mint kisközösségi rádió, tartalmilag az ATV Spiritet próbálja majd megidézni portré- és kulturális műsorokkal, sporttal, humorral és nem utolsó sorban spirituális, keresztény

Sopron Rádió, FM 94.1 Sopron elsőszámú helyi rádiója
Country: Sopron, Hungary

Nap Radió is local commercial radio station, 94.1 MHz, the wavelength can be achieved, and call it a day at least 120,000 students in the

Sláger Rádió Minden sláger egy helyen!
Country: Hungary

The music relaxes, releases tension, and forget the everyday problems. listen back! Hear Sláger FM to relax during the Music FM listening! Relax, unwind, and

Sirius Rádió 91.1 is a broadcast Radio station from Kiskunfelegyhaza, Bacs-Kiskun Province, Hungary, providing the needs of students and of course the entertainment and informing.

Rocker Rádió Ez a Rock Ereje!

Only rock, hard rock and metal.

Can you tell me the interpret of this summertime sadness???? I only speak english so i can´t understand the name.....

Retro Radio Életérzés az éterben
Genres : FolkFunkPop

Check out Top 40 melodies from Nyiregyhaza, Hungary by enjoying Retro Radio.

A minoseg hangja

Rallye Rádió Ahol a Rallye szól...
Country: Hungary

Preparation of the shows producers focus of their activities. The show is broadcast at the event exotic local radio broadcaster pay our air time. Where

RadioFace is a channel on the internet radio station RadioFace from Hungary.

Rádió Szentendre 91.6 FM is a broadcast radio station from Szentendre, Hungary, providing News, Information, and Music.

Radio Smile 89.9 FM is a broadcast radio station from Budapest, Hungary, providing Top 40-Pop music.

Rádió Most A pillanat a Tiéd !

Rádió Most Kaposvár is a broadcast radio station in Kaposvár, Hungary, providing News, Talk and Top 40, Rock, Pop music.

Mária Rádió Veszprém 95.1 is a station on the broadcast radio network Rádió Máriafrom Veszprém, Hungary, Providing Evangelical, Christian, Religious and Gospel programs.

Radio Maria Hungary - Sarvar is a broadcast radio station from Sarvar, Hungary providing Christian Religious music and program, on the Radio Maria Hungary group.

Radio Maria Hungary - Varpalota 90.0 FM is a broadcast radio station from Varpalota, Hungary, providing Christian, Catholic programs as Part of Radio Maria network

Mária Rádió is a broadcast radio station from Mor, Hungary providing Christian music and program.

Mária Rádió Pápa 90.8 is a broadcast Radio station from Papa, Hungary, Providing Evangelical, Christian, Religious and Gospel programs.

Mária Rádió Telkibánya 100.6 FM is a broadcast radio station on the Mária Rádió Network from Telkibanya, Hungary providing Catholic Religious music and program.

Radio Maria Hungary - Celldomolk is a broadcast radio station from Celldömölk, Hungary providing Christian Religious music and program on the Radio Maria Hungary Group.

Mária Rádió Ajka 93.2 is a broadcast Radio station from Ajka, Hungary, Providing Evangelical, Christian, Religious and Gospel programs.

Radio Landsberg International Inter-national, inter-cultural, multi-lingual, from Germany (Bavaria)
Country: Pécs, Hungary

Radio Landsberg International is a web based internet radio station from Germany (Bavaria), transmitting from Landsberg/Lech 24/7, with a wide range of genres, daily LIVE

Radio Italo-Disco Hungary The Best Of 80s Italo Disco Classics
Country: Miskolc, Hungary

Radio Italo Disco Hungary is the Best Of 80s Italo Disco Classics, Hi-Nrg, Euro Disco, Synth Pop, Non-Stop Radio Station

Radio Inside Every Thursday live Armin van Buuren - A State Of Trance

Radio Inside is a web based internet radio station from Budapest that plays Best House, Dance and Trance radio genre of music.

RADIO INSIDE 104.5 is a broadcast radio station from Budapest, Hungary providing Hungarian music and program.

Radio HereWeGo The Hungarian Community Radio in the UK

The finest Hungarian and Worldwide hits, hourly news and much more! Here you can hear a hand-picked selection of all-time hits from the 80s to

Rádió Groove Életünk kedvenc zenéi

Felidézik a disco korszakot, a 80-as pop aranykorát, de náluk otthon vannak a rock klasszikusai, a 90-es évek európai és amerikai sikerei, valamint itt szólnak

Radio Eger 101.3 a varos ritmusa
Country: Eger, Hungary

Radio Eger 101.3 is a broadcast radio station from Eger, Hungary providing News, Information and Music.